About Me

Who Am I?

My name is Amrit Arora, I’m 22 years old, and a Purdue University student, majoring in Materials Science & Engineering. I’m from Palo Alto, California, but am currently located in Indiana for college.

What is this Website for?

Most of the things you’ll find here are personal projects that I’ve worked on during my college years and that I decided deserve more than just existing in some Google Drive folder. Most of my projects are related to high-power rocketry or composites, which are my two biggest hobbies and interests. As such, you’ll find several projects, including rockets I’ve flown, composites projects/manufacturing that I enjoy/do, or my implementations of first principles theory to develop analysis tools. This website is a work in progress and will be updated as time goes on.


I also have a number of non-engineering/STEM related hobbies that I do in my free time. I can’t do this technical stuff all the time haha.

I’m an avid consumer of science fiction/fantasy books and TV. A few of my favorite shows are: The Expanse, Babylon 5, Battlestar Galactica, Star Trek: DS9. Currently, I’m reading more classic stuff, and have started reading a lot more Arthur C. Clarke and William Gibson. Some of my favorite series include: The Stormlight Archive, The Expanse, and the Red Rising Saga.

I also enjoy making chainmail, and playing squash and spikeball with my friends.